Wednesday, January 11, 2017


There will be a few rambling posts. I expect.

I have not blogged in so long, it seems so foreign an activity to me now.

I was a teenager in the noughties, and everyone with a computer had a blog. It solved the problem of having a voice without needing to speak out loud. I found a sense of power in having a little bit of real estate in cyberspace. These days, you have other forms of social media like Facebook. I suppose it was only a natural progression that people are able to quickly share their thoughts and lives to reach a wider audience. Posts which flash up on a little mobile screen, often intrusive the way they appear. Instant gratification ruining this generation and all that.

So Blogging. It makes incredulously old right now, but maybe that's exactly what I need.
To reconnect with that 19-year old idealist I left behind, and to be reminded that times have moved on and here I am closing-in on 30 in a number of months.Life has changed fairly significantly, since I was that woman-child who aspired so fervently to make a difference in the world. That is the beauty of youth though? To have an inkling of one's own capacity for change and greatness that can surely only be sustained by standing on the precipice of life - before one inevitably slides down the slippery slope into the abyss.

But I am not all jaded and embittered.
I still believe myself to be a woman-child. For even if I scoff at the naievity of my 19-year old self and all 19-year old selves of today, I still want to be reconciled with her and the wisdom she had at the time, as flawed as it may have been.

I cannot un-know what living in the real world has taught me. I do not know what my future self will think of today and now, but I think we would all appreciate it if 19 was brought along for the ride.